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Women's Wing

IMA Women’s wing started 3 years back as a new accessory to IMA KSB. It is a National level organization of lady doctors; but in Kerala we include non-medical wives also as honorary members. Apart from dealing with the problem of lady doctors and women in general, IMA Women wing is entrusted with the social service activities of IMA KSB.

To bring together the women member in the Medical Profession              under the banner of the IMA and to foster friendship and unity                  among them.
To work for the welfare of women doctors and to deal with                         problems they face in connection with their work.
To co-operate with similar bodies and work for the upliftment of the        community as a social commitment, giving emphasis on women and        children's health issues.
To involve women doctors in all multifaceted activities of IMA.
To promote and encourage social and cultural activities of IMA
To deal with such other matters as may be considered necessary for         the welfare of the members.

A - General
The women members of the IMA shall become members of the wing on payment of prescribed life membership fee of Rs. 150/- and admission fee         of Rs.30/- Out of the fees collected a sum of Rs. 80/- shall be forwarded to the State as its share.
The membership of the wing shall automatically cease as and when the membership of IMA ceases due to any reason whatsoever.

B - Honorary members
Non-doctor wives of IMA members shall become honorary members of the wing on payment of Life membership fee of Rs.150/- and admission              fee of Rs.30/-. Their membership will also cease automatically if the membership of the spouse in IMA ceases.

C - Ex-officio members
The State President shall be the President, State Secretary shall be ex-officio member of the wing. The Branch President shall be the President               and Branch Secretary shall be Ex-officio member of the wing at the Branch level.

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