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IMA Mumbai Branch Following Events

10th April 2016
"Installation of Incoming President and his team"
Our newly elected President Dr. Yogesh Shah and his team of office bearers and managing committee members took over the charge on 10th April 2016. Dr. S. S Agarwal National President IMA Headquarters was Chief Guest and Dr. Jayesh Lele , President IMA Maharashtra State was Guest of Honour at the Installation Ceremony at IMA House, Haji Ali. After lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries. Hon. Secretary Dr. Sujatunnisa Attar 2015-16 gave Annual Report of Activates of IMA Mumbai Branch. The following awards were presented. Dr. Manghanmal S. Kriplani Award was presented to Dr. Prabha Shinde, Dr. A. D. Daftary Award was presented to Dr. Ajoykumar Saha, Dr. H. M. Trivedi Award was presented to Dr. Hemant Vinze & Dr. Narayan Teredesai. The President’s Appreciation Awards were presented to Dr. Sunita Shanbhag, Dr. Prakash Borana, Dr. Pragji Vaja, Dr. Girish Rajadhyaksha, Dr. Sumita Ghosh, Dr. Pankaj Bandarkar, Dr. Arvind Patel, Dr. Hemant Vinze, Dr. Kishor Khushale & Dr. Kedar Deshmukh. After the farewell speech President Dr. Kaizer Barot handed over the medallion to newly elected President Dr. Yogesh Shah. In his Presidential speech he welcomed the delegates and gave the agenda for the whole year.

10th MAY 2016
“Asthma Day”
Chairman Dr. Anil Pachnekar organized Asthma Day, public awareness programme at 90 feet Road, Dharavi. Sr. Vice President Dr. Sudhir Patil, Hon. Secretary Dr. Sujatunnisa Attar, Imm. Past President Dr. Kaizer Barot, Dr. Rajendra H. Trivedi, Dr. Ramesh C. Shah and Dr. H. S. Shingan attended the programme. It started with a magic show followed by lectures on awareness of Asthma by Sr. Vice President Dr. Sudhir Patil, welcome the audience. Hon. Secretary Dr. Sujatunnisa Attar elaborated on the activities of IMA. Chairman Dr. Anil Pachnekar, Dr. H. S. Shingan and Dr. Sanjeev Khosla Spoke on Asthma. More than 800 general public were present.

31st May 2016
"World No Tobacco Day"
World No Tobacco Day was observed by IMA Mumbai branch by organizing “STREET PLAYS ” to educate the general public about the hazards of consumption of tobacco and tobacco related products. Street Plays were performed at 3 different venues:
1) Hinduja College, Charni Road Station, Opera House.
2) BEST Colony E Building, Dr. S.S. Rao Road, Near Rajkamal Studio
3) Bhagat Singh Maidan Kalachowki. More than 500 general public benefited from this programme.

7th June 2016
“World Environment Day”
“World Environment Day” was celebrated by planting saplings of Ashoka and Neem in our IMA House premises to enhance the “GO GREEN” culture to our environment.

19th June 2016
“International Yoga Day”
A unique programme on Yoga on the occasion of “International Yoga Day” was organized at IMA House. A very Interactive “Yoga Workshop” was conducted by Yoga Gurus and more than 50 of our enthusiastic members participated.

1st July 2016
As per IMA HQ Directives IMA Mumbai Branch is organising a blood donation camp on Friday, 1st July 2016 at 5 different places
1) Abbott
2) Dadar Railway Station
3) Sion Railway Station
4) CST Railway Station
5) Ghatkopar Railway Station

3rd July 2016
We are organizing Monsoon Marathon for our members and their family at Mahalaxmi Racecourse on Sunday, 3rd July 2016 at 7.00 a.m. Please come in large numbers and test your fitness in the cool morning freshness of the largest greenery of Mumbai. The Marathon will be followed by Carrom Tournament.


15TH AUGUST 2016

9.00 a.m. sharp. Flag hoisting ceremony
9.10 am: Breakfast
10.15 am onwards patriotic song and Entertaining fast songs by our members with live Orchestra & Musical Housie All IMA members / spouses interested in singing songs, kindly inform before 5th August, 2016 to
Mrs. Jyotsna Tel: 23535704 / 23545510. Mob No. 7506735383

Come one come all to celebrate Independence Day.




Hon. Secretary



Independence Day celebration committee

2nd State Executive Committee Meeting at Jalgaon 21st August 2016

All State Executive Members kindly register for the 2nd State Executive Committee Meeting which is to be held on Sunday 21st August 2016 at Jalgaon.




Hon. Secretary

Date: 18th to 20th November 2016 at Baramati

Date: 27th to 29th December 2016 at Amritsar

Make an appointment
here with IMA